The Roberts engine

Welcome to our new website!

As you can see, we now have a new website, which we will use to highlight some of the things that you can see around the mill if you come for a visit.

Over the winter, a lot of people have been busy beavering away to ensure that everything will be ready for our first steaming day which will be on 12th March . The mill will be open from 11am, when you can come and have a look round while the volunteers prepare the engine to start running at about 1pm. I plan to tell you some of what the volunteers do in future blogs, but if you have any questions or suggestions please contact me at

This seems a good place to single out a few people who have done a lot of work to get the website up and running. I would like to thank Mark and Adele at They have shown a great deal of patience building the website, providing photography and a video, answering questions, adjusting, adapting and changing things and offering advice and support throughout the process.

Thanks also to Barnoldswick Town Council for providing us with a grant which has supported the building of the website, and by helping in so many ways.

I would also like to single out one volunteer, Tony our treasurer, who has taken on all the liaising with Mark and Adele in the building of the website.

Thank you all.